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Smiling Teacher


Base Academy 与来自世界各地顶尖大学的教授合作。其中95%的教师拥有博士学位,86%的教师有北美顶尖大学的教学经验。我们坚持学术质量,与每一位老师探讨最佳的教学方案,旨在为学生提供最专业、最全面的课程,确保为学生提供最高质量的教学。Base Academy一直在寻求与更多的知名教师、教授合作,为学生提供更多的课程选择。

Dr. Animikh Ray

Dr. Animikh Ray

PhD in Pharmaceutics and Drug Design

Dr. Animikh Ray has vast domain expertise in diverse scientific disciplines like synthetic chemistry, recombinant DNA technology, computational Biology and data science. Dr. Ray works both in industry and in academia. He has worked as an Adjunct Professor of Chemistry and Life Sciences at the New York Institute of Technology and is currently working as Chief Scientific Officer and Founder of Biogenick Life Science, a Precision Medicine-oriented healthcare data science company. He has an active research group that is involved in research ranging from in silico drug design to nanoinformatics.

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